Hi friends,

You may have noticed something new.
We have been working for the past few months on a major hurdle and now have a new path to forge through the Shire.
Back in February, when most of you found Hobbiton Stay WI, a few things happened at the same time. First, we went live with our new website, and the response was absolutely thrilling. Then, practically, on the same day, Amazon released the first trailer for the "Rings of Power" series they are releasing in the fall. We were all in such a buzz talking about it, that we almost missed another piece of news. The trustees of MiddleEarth.com were selling the rights they held such a tight grip on for years.
Because of the publicity "HSW" received from three news articles in February and the wide reach our project received on a few fan sites, we also caught the eye of the legal reps at New Line Cinema.
Something we always knew was going to happen, just hoping it wouldn't happen so soon. Their lawyers are also in contact with the offices of Middle Earth.com. We were informed that because of the change in ownership, they are not entertaining any more applications at this time. Therefore, using the name "Hobbiton" along with other prominent characters from the books, and images from the movies, are not in the cards for us for the moment. We can, and will, revisit it at a later date.
So to bring this incredible project back on the rails, I spent considerable time researching and contemplating our new identity and name. Professor Tolkien wrote in his letters that he always imagined Hobbiton as having a sister town just across the water. I liked the idea, that this story had yet to be defined and explored. We are always looking for a new piece of Middle earth to experience. The opportunity to bring this story to life thrills me to the core.
"While the residents are all away on Holiday at Bilbo's 111th birthday party, the village of Tibbleburrow, "located just north of Hobbiton on the river," open their homes and gardens to you. We are welcome to stay and enjoy their unique lives. A few neighbors stayed to show you their way of life, tending their vegetable gardens and orchards, maintaining the Solar flower beds, and resting by the fire while the animals play in the prairies. "
The interest and support you gave to the project in the spring continue to fuel the work needing to be done. This fall, we will be kicking into another gear and are looking to set needs you can help with and begin conversations that you are welcome and encouraged to join in. The first of which we can mention is a team called "Ye Bard-a-neers"; – Social Media specialists, Artists, Videographers, Bloggers, and those who can bring their discerning eye and give feedback on what you think works and what doesn't.
Because this is a true grassroots project, we want it built and worked by the people who want this to become a reality, accepting any help you are willing to give. This is our passion project, our desire for this corner to become a real living place, and I hope we can share that load, stone by stone, seed by seed, hand by hand, to bring Tibbleburrow to life.
Another of our priorities is to find and purchase the property we will settle Tibbleburrow in. We are working with realtors, who feed us listings so that we can explore the different ways and reasons property might be sold, used, and altered in different areas--narrowing down the focus and requirements. This is another area we welcome your experience. Land investors, Land sales, contractors, Natural resources management, and vacation home management are all welcome to "the Terra Mystics." visit the Blog @ "Where will Tibbleburrow be?"
Once the property is secured, the real fun can begin, the designing. We are going to be enlisting You to dream up 1, 2, or 3 bedroom layouts following a theme for each home. The Facebook page will show your designs, and we will vote on them when the time comes. So visit our blog @ "the gaffers out of town" to see a list of possible themes, or come up with your own. Every submission will be credited, so send us your ideas no matter your age or drawing capability. This is your place, too, make your mark. Visit this blog post for more about the drawing submissions @ "We know you always want more Middle Earth,"
We are on the lookout for leaders seeking a change of scenery. To leave the urban city and bring the fresh air back to your life. Building Tibbleburrow will take time and lots of heart. I am willing to put that time and effort in. To spend the days and nights planning, building, and promoting this project. Are you ready to join me?
We are also organizing a series of in-person and livestreamed get-togethers to discuss the brainstorming, planning, and execution of both specific topics and general hoopla related to the project. These will be held at, Stonewood Village in Brookfield, WI., so keep an eye out for the dates, times, and topics. Feel free to share this info with anyone who wants to put their mark on Tibbleburrow, both local and far off because everyone involved will be marked down in our contributors' log and might just be part of the "Making of Tibbleburrow" vlog also in the works.
As an assurance and promise.
Neither I nor any other volunteer participants will be paid for their work in this first stage of the project unless a contract is necessary for professional services. Any donations received by one-time donation or subscription are only to be used to forward the project of Tibbleburrow in stage one. When Stage two is reached, we hope to have the core team responsible for building each area and be able to begin paid positions.
Thank You again for your support,
and we look forward to seeing you online and in person.
The Tibbleburrow HSW Team
And a special shout out to "yerawizardsaraa" for being our first website subscriber.
We invite you to register for our email list at the bottom of each page on our Website.
Consider becoming a Patron and get in on the special giveaways and official invitations. Memberships at $3, $10, $25, $100.
Ask questions, start conversations, and please don't be shy about sharing this with those you know will want to know that we are building Hobbiton.
Your excitement will be the key to this becoming real!
This will be a family-friendly destination, safe from the crowded floors of hotels, and much more affordable than taking a trip to the movie set tour.
Our goal is to make it more real than the movie set because, well, it will be!
Real time to spend in the gardens,
Real memories you give and receive,
Real homes to spend the precious night's sleep in.
If every Tolkien Fan Gave $10 towards this project,
we could fund, build, and staff it in record time.
What will you do to bring it to life?
FB @tibbleburrow Insta @tibbleburrow